
In the event that your order is either faulty or has been picked incorrectly we will arrange a collection free of charge and a full refund will be issued once we have received the goods back to our warehouse. This must be reported to us within 5 days of receiving your order.

If however the reason for returning an item is none of the above for example your order is not to your liking then there is a collection charge of £4.95. This enables us to cover the cost of the collection. We will post a label out to you to attach to your parcel. Collections this way can take up to 7 days.

You also have the option of arranging your own courier and return the order yourself. You will need to let us know date of shipment and by which courier. Once the goods are received safely then a full refund will be issued.

Please telephone us to speak to a member of our team to discuss a return. Telephone us on 01425 622130.

Please refer to our Terms and Conditions for further information